5 Lessons In Productivity I Learned In My First Year Of Business
| | 5 Lessons In Productivity I Learned From My First 12 Months Running a Business | | This week my Freelance Writing business turns one year old. And it's been a heck of a ride. I've worked from all over the world. Written more articles than I ever thought possible and drank enough coffee to kill a small horse. But today I want to share with you the five lessons I've learned about productivity this year, and how they could help you be more productive too. Also, if you enjoy the article, don't forget to tell your friends about it with this Tweet! | | READ THE FULL POST | | James Johnson Content Marketing Manager, Share As Image | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------- You’re receiving this email because you subscribed via our web site. Unsubscribe to stop receiving these emails. Share As Image - 215 Spadina Avenue, Suite 400 Toronto, ON M5T 2C7 | | | | | | |